
14 L3: Integrative Performance Assessments


Hora de C.A.F.E.  (Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expansion)

TEMA: La lactancia en el recién nacido


Listen to the following testimonial from a woman regarding her recent experience giving birth to a baby: 


I. Key Word Recognition. Identify from the conversation 10 words and/or expressions that are used in the testimonial (respond in Spanish)











II. Main idea(s). Using information from what you have heard, provide the main idea(s)/summary of the testimonial (respond in English):


III. Supporting Details. When applicable, complete the following statements in Spanish based on the content of the testimonial. In the case that you cannot find the answer in the content of the recording, please indicate it as “no se menciona” (“it is not mentioned”)

A. Name two things that went well during the woman’s experience in her pregnancy.



B. Identify the reason why the woman ended up having a cesarean.



C. What kind of formula did the woman have to use to feed her baby? __________________________________________________________________


IV. Organizational Features. How is the conversation organized? Circle all that apply and explain what clues were in the message to justify your answer (respond in English) (NOT ALL apply): 

1) Chronological [speaker arranges and emphasizes information according to a timeline, either forward or backward]

2) Compare-Contrast [speaker arranges information according to how two or more things are similar to or different from one another (or both)]

3) Descriptive [speaker provides details on a particular topic]

4) Problem-Solution [speaker describes a problem and its possible solution]:

5) Spatial [speaker organizes information according to how things fit together in a physical space]

Justification from the testimonial (in English):

V. Guessing Meaning from Context. Based on what you have heard, write what the following three words and/or expressions probably mean in English (respond in English)


1. “estar volteado/a (el/la bebé)”__________________________________________________

2.  “estaba roja de tanto llorar” _______________________________________________

3. “en vez de” ____________________________________________________________


VI. Inferences. “Listen between the lines” to select the best inference of the three listed below and provide evidence from the audio to support your selection (respond in Spanish)


1.____The woman identifies her mother as the best source of help and support in her experience with breastfeeding. 

Evidence from audio to support your answer:  ______________________________________________________


2. ____The woman decided to have a cesarean despite the doctor’s recommendation for not doing so.

Evidence from audio to support your answer: _______________________________________________________


3. ____The woman described her experience with breastfeeding her first baby.

Evidence from audio to support your answer: _______________________________________________________


VII. Patient´s Perspective. Select the PRIMARY perspective you think the patient utilized when sharing her testimonial and justify your answer in English with information from the audio (ONLY ONE choice is correct)

A. Persuasive [to convince the listener of something]

B. Historical [to teach or give information regarding past events to the listener]

C. Entertaining [to hold the attention of the listener through enjoyment]

D. Descriptive [to inform and provide details based on facts]

Justify your answer:  



VIII. Comparing Cultural Perspectives. Answer the following question:

Based on what you have heard from the testimony, would you think that many other women would provide details on this kind of experience regarding breastfeeding in the U.S?  (Respond in English)


IX. Personal reaction to the Message. Using specific information from the audio, describe your personal reaction in Spanish to this testimonial. Be sure to provide reasons that support your reaction.




Read the following article published in El Comercio newspaper (Peruvian newspaper). In the article, Dr. Sabrina Morales, obstetrician at the University of Norbert Wiener (Lima, Perú) gives 7 recommendations to mothers for a successful breastfeeding experience: “Siete consejos para una lactancia materna satisfactoria.” Click on the arrow on the right margin of the image to read each of the seven recommendations.

Reading source url: https://elcomercio.pe/viu/siete-consejos-lactancia-materna-satisfactoria-noticia-543127?foto=7


Interview a family member or friend that speaks Spanish (a woman that has at least one child) and ask her about her own experience with feeding her/one of her babies. Make sure you ask questions that add details to the situation described. Upload the interview once you are done. 



Imagine that you have just had your first baby and you are experiencing some challenges when breastfeeding your newborn now that you are home by yourself with him/her. You decide to enter a live chat function from your city hospital where you can ask a midwife about questions you have regarding breastfeeding your baby. You are starting to wonder if there is something wrong you may be doing as your baby is crying non-stop and is not taking any milk. Your partner will be a midwife on the other side of the chat, will answer your questions and ask for additional information in order to help you with your immediate concerns.


Note: For this exercise, you may use the reading about breastfeeding instructions as a reference.



Read the following article about the myths about breastfeeding among Latino women. Imagine that you are a senior midwife and have been asked to lead a workshop for training new midwives regarding your experience with Latino new mothers over the last two decades. Most specifically, you are asked to provide a summary of some myths you have heard or witnessed in your career when providing support to Latino women.  In preparation for the workshop, please read the following article regarding some of those myths. Using your own words in Spanish, prepare a short 2-minute’ video clip with a description of at least 3 myths that you consider the most interesting and important to address.  

Reading: “Mitos de la Lactancia”  




Imagine that you work in the social media unit in a pediatric clinic and you have your own section as a blogger. You have just decided to start documenting different testimonials from women regarding their own experiences and suggestions for breastfeeding their newborns. You take this initiative after receiving a text from one of your best female friends last night regarding her inability to produce milk for her newborn. The text reads as follows: “…No puedo más. Mi bebé llora y llora y no come. No pasó esto en el hospital y ahora aquí en casa yo sola…Creo que no tengo buena leche y estoy desesperada ya…”

Write a blog entry that starts with the quote from above and give your friend suggestions on what to do in this kind of situation where new mothers become frustrated with breastfeeding. In your answer, identify at least 3 suggestions in the form of commands. You want to be as much encouraging as possible as you are familiar with the benefits of breastfeeding.



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Intermediate Spanish for Public Health Copyright © por Sarah Peceny and Eva Rodríguez-González se distribuye bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional, excepto cuando se especifiquen otros términos.