
7 L2: Integrated Performance Assessments


Hora de C.A.F.E.  (Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expansion)

TEMA: At the Emergency Room


Listen to a conversation that takes place between a woman and an emergency phone operator to report a motorbike accident.



I. Key Word Recognition. As you listen to the recorded segment, jot down a list of 10 content words/phrases in Spanish that you hear that convey meaning related to the content, such as key nouns and verbs. Avoid listing words/phrases such as prepositions (of, from, in, out, etc.) and conjunctions (and, but, or, etc.), which do not carry much meaning. Then provide an English equivalent to the right of each word you listed:











II. Main idea(s). Using information from what you have heard, provide the main idea(s) of the message (respond in English):




III. Supporting Details.
1. Circle the letter of each detail that is mentioned on the voicemail message (NOT ALL are included):
2. Write the information that is given in the segment in the space provided next to the detail below.

A. Name two types of vehicles involved in the accident:


B. The age of the injured person:


C. The relationship of the injured person to the caller reporting the accident:


D. The location where the accident occurred:


E. Name two symptoms that the caller is complaining about:


F. The destination to where the caller and the other person were heading at the time of the accident:


G. What caused the accident:


H. The types of first aid that the caller is told to administer:



IV. Organizational Features. Descriptive [speaker provides details on a particular topic]
How is this segment organized? Based on the purpose of this segment, identify the organizational structure. Choose all that apply and explain briefly why you selected each organizational feature–what were the clues in the segment? How is the conversation organized? Circle all that apply and explain what clues were in the message to justify your answer (respond in English) (NOT ALL apply):

  1. Public Service Announcement
  2. Compare-Contrast
  3. Interview
  4. Conversation
  5. News Item

Justification from the voicemail message (in English):



V. Guessing Meaning from Context. Based on what you have heard, write what the following three words and/or expressions probably mean in English (respond in English).

  1. “está sangrando por todas partes”: ______________________________
  2. “ocurrió”: __________________________________________________
  3. “primero auxilios”: ___________________________________________


VI. Inferences. “Listen between the lines” to answer the following questions, using information from the audio (respond in Spanish)

1. The woman who calls the operator is injured._______________________

Evidence from audio to support your answer:


 2. The woman who calls the operator is able to give details of her whereabouts.  _______________________________________________________

Evidence from audio to support your answer:


3. The woman who calls the operator seems to be nervous as she is not able to provide details of her whereabouts  _______________________________________________________

Evidence from audio to support your answer:



VII. Operator’s Purpose. Select the primary perspective or point of view you think the operator receiving the call adopted as she responded to the caller and justify your answer with information you heard in the segment (respond in English).

  1. to persuade
  2. to collect information
  3. to inform

Justification from audio (in English):



VIII. Comparing Cultural Perspectives. Answer the following question:

Based on what you have heard on the conversation, would you identify a similar/different procedure for reporting an emergency for a car accident in the U.S? (Respond in English)






IX. Personal reaction to the Message. Using specific information from the audio conversation, describe your personal reaction in Spanish to the emergency situation. Be sure to provide reasons that support your reaction.








Hora de C.A.F.E.  (Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expansion)

TEMA: At the Emergency Room


“Caso clínico”
Reading source: https://www.salusplay.com/casos-clinicos-de-enfermeria/MQ_29_48_1258-001560


Sexo: Hombre    Edad: 32 años     Profesión: Cocinero     País: España

Motivo de consulta: Paciente de 32 años trasladado al servicio de urgencias del Hospital Universitario de Quito tras sufrir accidente de tráfico con su moto, a espera de subir a planta y establecer cirugía. Presenta fractura de tibia y fíbula, hemorragia leve controlada y quemaduras por fricción.

Historial médico: Padece de hipertensión arterial y sobrepeso (1.75 m, 80 kg, IMC: 26.12). Alergia: Nolotil [painkiller drug]. Sin intolerancias. Medicación para hipertensión arterial, analgésicos (en ocasiones). Fumador desde hace 5 años (10 cigarrillos/día). Consumo de alcohol moderado. Todas las vacunas al día. Padre y hermana hipertensos. Madre obesidad y diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Vive con sus padres, sin hijos y soltero.


1.     Respiración: Sin alteraciones
2.     Alimentación / Hidratación: Sin alteraciones
3.     Excreción: Sin alteraciones
4.     Movilidad / Postura: Disminución de la movilidad debido a la fractura de tibia y fíbula (no puede caminar ni soportar peso), en la actualidad está en cama casi todo el tiempo hasta modificación de la situación.
5.     Dormir / Descansar: Sueño alterado debido al dolor agudo que presenta por la fractura aunque el analgésico sea administrado.
6.     Vestirse / Desvestirse: Alterada por fractura de la fíbula.
7.     Temperatura corporal: Sin alteraciones
8.     Integridad piel y mucosas: Alteraciones de la integridad cutánea con hemorragia controlada en heridas menores en miembros debido a fricción. Fractura cerrada (no sobresale ningún fragmento de hueso a través de la piel). Inflamación.
9.     Evitar peligros: Dolor intenso a pesar de la administración regular de analgésicos.
10.   Estado de ánimo del paciente: Irritabilidad, inquietud, preocupación por su pierna y su vehículo.
11.   Comunicación / Relaciones sociales: Preocupación.
12.   Valores / Creencias: Sin alteraciones
13.   Autorrealización: Adaptación difícil a su nueva situación debido a que es por lo general una persona activa.
14.   Entretenimiento: Sin alteraciones.
15.   Aprendizaje: Sin alteraciones.


I. Key Word Recognition. Find in the article the word/phrase in Spanish that best expresses the meaning of the following English words/expressions. Write the corresponding word(s) in the spaces provided:

floor (of a building): ___________________



(skin) burn:__________________________



minor wounds:_______________________

hemorrhage: ________________________




II. Main idea(s).  Using information from the clinical report, provide the main idea(s) of the reading (respond in English).



III. Supporting Details.

  1. Circle the letter of each detail that is mentioned in the article (not all are included!).
  2. Write the letter of the detail next to where it appears in the text.
  3. Write the information that is given in the report in the space provided next to the detail below

A. How old is the patient?:


B. Name two parts of the body that he injured:


C. Who smoked around the patient when he was little?:


D. Which member(s) of his family has hypertension?:


E. The patient’s height and weight:


F. Number of alcoholic drinks that the patient has per week:


G. Which member(s) of his family has diabetes?:


H. What is the patient’s temperature?:



IV. Organizational Features. Organizational Features. How is this text organized? Circle all that apply and explain what the clues were in the text (not all of them are true) (respond in English):

A. Alphabetical Order
B. Description
C. Compare/Contrast
D. Pros and Cons
E. Problem and Solution

Justification from the text (in English):



V. Guessing Meaning from Context. Based on the information provided in the last section of the reading “¿Qué se puede hacer?”, write what the following three words and/or expressions probably mean in English.

A. “cirugía” (see Motivo de consulta section)____________________________________

B. “soportar peso” (see Historial Médico section) ________________________________

C. “sobresale” (see 8. Integridad piel y mucosas section)___________________________


VI. Inferences. Read between the lines to answer the following questions, using information from the text. Please provide evidence in Spanish from the text to support your selection.

1. Why do you think the patient is worried?


What is the evidence in the text that supports your selection? 


2. What might be the effect of this patient’s accident/hospital treatment?


What is the evidence in the text that supports your selection? 


3. Has the patient been a smoker all his adult life?


What is the evidence in the text that supports your selection? 



VII. Health Provider’s Perspective. Select the perspective or point of view you think the authors(s) adopted as s/he wrote this article and justify your answer in English with information from the text.

A. To inform

B. To entertain

C. To persuade


Justification from the text:



VIII. Comparing Cultural Perspectives. Answer the following question in Spanish:

Using examples from the clinical note that you just read and any previous knowledge that you have, what are some similarities and/or dissimilarities in the type of information that you know to be normally collected in emergency rooms in the U.S.?






IX. Personal reaction to the Text. Answer the following question in Spanish:

Using specific information from the clinical note, describe and reflect on your personal reaction to the information provided.









Hora de C.A.F.E.  (Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expansion)

TEMA: At the Emergency Room



PROMPT [VIDEO UPLOAD]: Interview a family member or friend and ask him/her about a hypothetical or actual emergency care situation s/he has experienced and how the situation was dealt with in the hospital. Make sure you ask questions that add details to the situation described. Upload the interview once you are done.



Hora de C.A.F.E.  (Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expansion)

TEMA: At the Emergency Room


PROMPT: Imagine that you enter a live chat function from your city hospital where you can ask a nurse/doctor about questions you have regarding some worsening symptoms that you are currently experiencing while at home. You are starting to wonder if you should seek medical care within the next few hours. Your partner will be on the other side of the chat and will answer your questions and ask for additional information in order to help you with your immediate health concerns.



Hora de C.A.F.E.  (Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expansion)

TEMA: At the Emergency Room


PROMPT [VIDEO UPLOAD WITH PICTURES]: Imagine that you work in a TV station and you have been tasked with the creation of a short 2 minutes’ video clip regarding the danger of cell phone use while driving by means of sharing a testimonial. Prepare a video clip with at least 3 images/pictures that describe the example of a distracted driving case and the hospitalization of the patient in the Urgent Care unit. Feel free to make up the case and the actors. You might create your own images or find them here: https://www.flickr.com/creativecommons/



Hora de C.A.F.E (Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expansion)

TEMA: At the Emergency Room


PROMPT [WRITTEN SUBMISSION]: Imagine that you are the patient from the article you have read above (clinical note). After being hospitalized, you come back home and decide to email one friend/family member to describe what happened to you. Write a description of where you were, when you had the accident, who you were with, what happened on the road and then in the emergency room. You may want to provide details regarding your feelings as well and your actual emotional and physical state of being right after the accident, while being in the hospital, and finally now being home.



Domains of Performance

    • Parameters for the Language Learner’s Performance
    • Functions (global tasks the learner can perform in the language)
    • Contexts (situations within which the learner can function) and Content (topics which the learner can understand and discuss)
    • Text Type (that which the learner is able to understand and produce in order to perform the functions of the level)
    • How and how well the language learner is able to be understood and to understand
    • Language Control (How accurate is the language learner’s language?)
    • Vocabulary (How extensive and applicable is the language learner’s vocabulary?)
    • Communication Strategies (How does the language learner maintain communication and make meaning?)
    • Cultural Awareness (How is the language learner’s cultural knowledge reflected in language used)



Icono de Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional

Intermediate Spanish for Public Health Copyright © por Sarah Peceny and Eva Rodríguez-González se distribuye bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional, excepto cuando se especifiquen otros términos.