
L1: Integrative Performance Assessments


Hora de C.A.F.E.  (Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expansion)

TEMA: A Physical Exam


Click on the speaker to listen to the following voicemail left for the front desk of a clinic in Mexico by one of its patients regarding an appointment with his doctor.

I. Key Word Recognition. Identify from the voicemail 10 words and/or expressions that indicate the symptoms the patient is reporting (respond in Spanish):











II. Main idea(s). Using information from what you have heard, provide the main idea(s) of the message (respond in English):


III. Supporting Details. Circle the letter of each detail that is mentioned on the voicemail message (NOT ALL are included):

A. El señor Diego Sierra Gutiérrez tiene una cita para hacerse un análisis de sangre la próxima semana.

B. Diego presenta algunos síntomas comunes del resfriado o gripe.

C. Diego no se encuentra bien desde hace una semana.

D. Diego deja el mensaje antes de un viernes.

E. Diego se va a quedar en casa al día siguiente del mensaje que deja a la clínica.


IV. Organizational Features. How is the voicemail message organized? Circle all that apply and explain what clues were in the message to justify your answer (respond in English) (NOT ALL apply):

  1. Chronological [speaker arranges and emphasizes information according to a timeline, either forward or backward]
  2. Compare-Contrast [speaker arranges information according to how two or more things are similar to or different from one another (or both)]
  3. Descriptive [speaker provides details on a particular topic]
  4. Problem-Solution [speaker describes a problem and its possible solution]:
  5. Spatial [speaker organizes information according to how things fit together in a physical space]

Justification from the voicemail message (in English):



V. Guessing Meaning from Context. Based on what you have heard, write what the following three words and/or expressions probably mean in English (respond in English).

  1. “si pudiera ser”: _____________________________________________
  2. “sin ganas”: ________________________________________________
  3. “estaré pendiente”: ___________________________________________


VI. Inferences. “Listen between the lines” to answer the following questions, using information from the audio (respond in English)

  1. When do you think Diego is making the call? _______________________

Evidence from audio to support your answer:


  1. Depending on your response to the previous question, what day of the week did Diego’s symptoms begin? __________________________________________________________

Evidence from audio to support your answer:



VII. Patient´s Perspective. Select the PRIMARY perspective you think the patient utilized as he made the call to the clinic and justify your answer in English with information from the audio (ONLY ONE choice is correct)

  1. Persuasive [to convince the listener of something]
  2. Historical [to teach or give information regarding past events to the listener]
  3. Entertaining [to hold the attention of the listener through enjoyment]

Justification from audio:



VIII. Comparing Cultural Perspectives. Answer the following question:

Based on what you have heard on the voicemail message from the patient in Mexico, what could be a cultural similarity and/or difference between the U.S. and the speaker from Mexico when calling to change an appointment?  (Respond in English)






IX. Personal reaction to the Message. Using specific information from the voicemail message, describe your personal reaction in Spanish to the article. Be sure to provide reasons that support your reaction.








Hora de C.A.F.E.  (Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expansion)

TEMA: A Physical Exam


“Consejos para hablar con su médico”

Reading source: https://es.familydoctor.org/consejos-para-hablar-con-su-medico/

I. Key Word Recognition. Find in the article the word/phrase in Spanish that best expresses the meaning of the following English words/expressions. Write the corresponding word(s) in the spaces provided:

role: ______________________________

concern: ___________________________

to last: ____________________________

to need: ___________________________

“short and long term”: _________________

health: ____________________________

appointment: ________________________

flyers: _____________________________

“how serious”: _______________________

condition: __________________________


II. Main idea(s). Using information from the article, provide the main idea(s) of the article (respond in English).



III. Supporting Details. When applicable, complete the following statements in Spanish based on the content of the voice message. In the case that you cannot find the answer from the content of the voice message, please indicate it as “no se menciona” (“it is not mentioned”)

A. El artículo recomienda que un paciente haga una lista de …


B. Identificar dos sugerencias en el artículo que pueden prevenir la propagación de la gripe


C. Identificar dos elementos que el artículo sugiere que traigas a la cita.



IV. Organizational Features. Organizational Features. How is this text organized? Circle all that apply and explain what the clues were in the text (not all of them are true) (respond in English):

A. Alphabetical Order
B. Description
C. Compare/Contrast
D. Pros and Cons
E. Problem and Solution

Justification from the voicemail message (in English):



V. Guessing Meaning from Context. Based on the information provided in the last section of the reading “¿Qué se puede hacer?”, write what the following three words and/or expressions probably mean in English.

A. “adelantado” (from the “Estar preparado” section)__________________________________
B. “cualquier” (from the “Estar preparado” section) ___________________________________
C. “avergonzado” (from the “Hable con su médico” section) ____________________________


VI. Inferences. Read between the lines to answer the following questions, using information from the text. Please provide evidence in Spanish from the text to support your selection.

1. Why do you think the reading recommends patients to ask questions?   


What is the evidence in the text that supports your selection? 


2. Why do you think the reading recommends patients to bring a friend or a family member to the visit with the doctor?


What is the evidence in the text that supports your selection? 



VII. Author´s Perspective. Select the perspective or point of view you think the authors(s) adopted as s/he wrote this article and justify your answer in English with information from the text.

A. Persuasive [to convince the listener of something]

B. Historical [to teach or give information regarding past events to the listener]

C. Entertaining [to hold the attention of the listener through enjoyment]

Justification from audio:



VIII. Comparing Cultural Perspectives. Answer the following question in Spanish:

Based on what you have read about recommendations to consider before, during and after an appointment with a doctor in the U.S., how would you relate those recommendations with the actual practice that people normally follow in the U.S. for this kind of appointments? 






IX. Personal reaction to the Message. Using specific information from the text, describe your personal reaction and refer to the text to provide supporting details.  Your response needs to be in Spanish.









Hora de C.A.F.E.  (Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expansion)

TEMA: A Physical Exam



PROMPT [VIDEO UPLOAD]: Interview (in Spanish) a family member, friend, or classmate to know your/his or her family’s health history and conditions. You may want to use an actual family’s health history form to use it as a guide when asking questions. Upload the interview once you are done.




Hora de C.A.F.E.  (Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expansion)

TEMA: A Physical Exam



PROMPT [USING A MESSAGING SYSTEM, COPY THE CHAT CONVERSATION AND SUBMIT]: You have just accessed a chat function for a clinic you would like to make an appointment with as a new patient for a health checkup. As you are not familiar with the clinic and/or its procedures, you will need to ask questions about the appointment itself, and any information you might need to bring/confirm for the appointment. Your partner will be an employee from the clinic and will answer your questions and ask for any additional information that is needed to complete the new-patient intake.




Hora de C.A.F.E.  (Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expansion)

TEMA: A Physical Exam



PROMPT [VIDEO UPLOAD] Examen físico – Select only one of the physical exam steps that are mentioned below and describe the process step by step. Identify any instruments that are used in the option of your choice. You may want to investigate first what is actually being done in each procedure before selecting your option (websites regarding – El examen físico: técnicas de exploración).

  • Inspección (observar el cuerpo).
  • Palpación (sentir el cuerpo con los dedos o las manos).
  • Auscultación (escuchar los sonidos).
  • Percusión (producir sonidos, generalmente dando golpes suaves en áreas específicas del cuerpo).





Hora de C.A.F.E.  (Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expansion)

TEMA: A Physical Exam



PROMPT [WRITTEN SUBMISSION]: Write up a description of your own (hypothetical) health history that includes your current conditions (ex. height, weight, blood pressure levels, etc.) and any past surgeries or illnesses to bring in with you to your appointment. In addition, create 10 questions that you would like to ask your doctor regarding your personal health.  Use Spanish in your response.





(part 1-machine gradable and part 1 open-ended questions and inquiry-based questions based on observations on intercultural competence, ethics…)



Instructions: Escuche a continuación la explicación proporcionada por la escuela de enfermería de la universidad de Valparaíso (Chile) de toma de signos vitales y utensilios a utilizar.



Domains of Performance

    • Parameters for the Language Learner’s Performance
    • Functions (global tasks the learner can perform in the language)
    • Contexts (situations within which the learner can function) and Content (topics which the learner can understand and discuss)
    • Text Type (that which the learner is able to understand and produce in order to perform the functions of the level)
    • How and how well the language learner is able to be understood and to understand
    • Language Control (How accurate is the language learner’s language?)
    • Vocabulary (How extensive and applicable is the language learner’s vocabulary?)
    • Communication Strategies (How does the language learner maintain communication and make meaning?)
    • Cultural Awareness (How is the language learner’s cultural knowledge reflected in language use


Icono de Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional

Intermediate Spanish for Public Health Copyright © por Sarah Peceny and Eva Rodríguez-González se distribuye bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 Internacional, excepto cuando se especifiquen otros términos.