2. JEADI Work at UNM

JEADI at UNM is led by  the Division for Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and supported by the University President. Key efforts and plans include:

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Taskforce: This taskforce, consisting of various university leaders, provides recommendations and works on strategic plans for enhancing DEAI at UNM.
  • Strategic Plans: UNM’s strategic plans aim to diversify faculty and staff, enrich unit climates, strengthen mentor-mentee relationships, enhance student success, and support targets of harassment and bullying. Specific strategies include:
    • Establishing diversity goals and metrics.
    • Coordinating DEAI efforts through the Diversity Council and LEAD Council.
    • Supporting the hiring and retention of URM faculty.
    • Offering training and resources to improve campus climate.
    • Providing administrative support for inclusive teaching and curricula.
  • Graduate and Undergraduate Programs: These programs focus on increasing enrollment and retention of URM students, offering targeted scholarships and mentorship programs, and addressing systemic issues through surveys and climate assessments.
  • LGBTQ Resource Center Initiatives: These include needs assessments, programming for staff and faculty, advisory board creation, and increased education and awareness about LGBTQIA issues.

License and Attribution

The information on this page is based on UNM JEADI Initiatives page and is licensed CC-BY 4.0.



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Faculty OER Guide Copyright © 2024 by Jennifer Jordan and Kiernan Cantergiani is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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