4. JEADI Resources

JEADI Resources at UNM include a wide range of support systems and programs designed to foster an inclusive environment:

  • Training and Workshops: DEI provides training on implicit bias, culturally responsive pedagogy, and strategies for interrupting microaggressions.
  • Faculty Development Programs: Programs like DiversityEdu, Inclusive Excellence Postdoc, and Visiting Scholars Program offer mentoring and support for URM faculty.
  • Support Systems: The DEI office provides resources for faculty and staff experiencing harassment or bullying and promotes conflict management strategies.
  • Climate Surveys and Data Analysis: Regular surveys and data collection help assess and improve campus climate, ensuring that DEAI goals are met.
  • Student Support Services: Various centers such as the Graduate Resource Center, LGBTQ Resource Center, and student diversity councils offer tailored support and create communities of practice for marginalized students.
  • Diversity Statements and Policy Integration: DEI works on incorporating diversity values into university policies and practices, ensuring sustained commitment to JEADI principles.

These efforts collectively aim to create an inclusive, equitable, and supportive environment for all members of the UNM community.

Please peruse this list of resources to explore and deepen your anti-racist work. Consider this list a place to begin —  a starting point that can lead to a lifetime of justice work. Read, watch, reflect, and move forward in your teaching practice with JEADI in mind.


Students as Co-Creators

Anti-Racist Pedagogy

Trauma-Informed Practice

  • Trauma-Informed Tertiary Learning and Teaching Practice Framework [PDF]: A quick reference guide and framework for trauma-informed care in learning and teaching.
  • Designing with Care: Imagining better pedagogies is the first step in creating powerful learning environments. Better, for the authors of this collection, means more humanizing pedagogies that embrace the fact that the people in our learning environments are fantastic, curious, unpredictable, capable, and multi-layered.

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Faculty OER Guide Copyright © 2024 by Jennifer Jordan and Kiernan Cantergiani is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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