
1. What is JEADI?

Ethical Accountability for Justice, Equity, Accessibility, Diversity & Inclusion (JEADI)

Through a focus on JEADI, we hold ourselves accountable to create antiracist education and build institutions that center the success and well-being of those groups who are our growing American majority. This work requires that we move beyond performative allyship to become real champions for justice for historically marginalized communities at our universities. A few practical strategies that the Division for Equity and Inclusion is pursuing at UNM:

  • Learn from our peer institutions
  • Listen to BIPOC, PWD, LGBTQIA, & all women students, faculty and staff
  • Empower JEADI offices (including college- and unit-level colleagues)
  • Integrate JEADI strategic planning efforts at all levels (do not silo JEADI efforts)
  • Model importance of JEADI: making our values matter

In addition, JEDI stands for justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. The acronym came into popular use in the wake of the death of George Floyd in the summer of 2020. As a result, this trend in inclusivity has expanded to include accessibility.

License and Attribution

The information on this page is based on UNM JEADI Initiatives page and is licensed CC-BY 4.0.